Thursday, May 24, 2012

Made by hand

It was very interesting to read all your term papers. In addition to discussing the distribution of wealth, many of you chose to write about materialism. You all seem to agree that your generation is far more materialistic than the previous one. I do in many way think you are right, but at the same time we see huge movements of people starting to appreciate the simpler things in life. A small well-cooked meal. A hand knitted sweater. Gardening. The man who chose to live without money. The two brothers making small quantities of perfect chocolate. We are somewhat tired of everything that can be bought in bulks.

Here is another example. A girl in Brooklyn, New York who has started bee keeping to make her own honey. I just love it.

(If you feel like making small, quality gifts, why not make someone a jar of home made jam or knit them something nice!)

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