Tuesday, May 8, 2012

The invisible mother

In the old days they didn't have digital cameras. In fact, when I was little we didn't either, and I am not really that old. (No, really, I'm not..). When we took a picture at a party, you got one shot. If your uncle blinked, or your hair was a mess - tough luck. That was how you would be remembered from that night. And you did not get to see the pics until weeks later, when they had been developed in the photo shop. (Ok, this does make me sound really old.)

So, in the 19th century (remember that's the 1800s), we see the phenomenon of the hidden mother. The mothers were hidden under a blanket to keep the babies calm and steady for the photo. In many photos the mothers are cropped out, but in some they are not, as in the one showed here. It looks kind of creepy, do you agree? Pics like these are worth a lot these days, as the uncropped ones are rare.

See more here!

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