Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Uncovering the MJ-secret

You all know I am a HUGE Michael Jackson fan. (If you've missed out on this, you have not paid enough attention in class....). When I was younger, I was amazed by the Smooth Criminal video, where Michael and his dancers defies gravity. I was even more amazed when I saw this live in Oslo. Of course I knew that it had to be some kind of patent, but I ignored it and continued to wanting it to be magic. Then I came across these drawings, and the spell was forever broken. Oh well, the video is still AMAZINGLY cool. What is your favorite MJ-song?

Pic from here.


  1. Michael Jackson, man in the mirror is my favorite.

  2. "Human nature", although all of them just make me want to sing and dance! MJ forever! K


I want to hear your thoughts, leave a comment!