Monday, August 20, 2012

Great Site!

Cheyenne and Oline came to me today and asked if I have any books they could borrow. This made me spend quite a lot of time in front of my bookshelves, as I put a bit of pride in recommending you the right books. I started exploring the web for recommendations, and came across this great web site:

Here's how it works: You create a profile, you tell them what genres you like (young adult for example) and then you can rate the books you have read, and the site automatically recommend similar books. Isn't that great?? I have just started exploring this site, but something tells me this will be a long night. Sign up now, I think we even can create groups! My name username is "Siri".

The pic is from here, and is the London Book Maze, which is made from 250,000 books. 


  1. Hi Siri, I was wondering what your username is? When I searched "Siri" I got thousands of hits?? Maybe I can search your Email? Really good site :) Just signed up :)


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